Support resources for Crooz Drivers
Looking for contact information?
While we don't offer a customer service number for Crooz riders, you can log in to your account to get personalised support or explore the resources below to find solutions to issues related to Crooz trips.
Looking for contact information?
While we don't offer a customer service number for Crooz riders, you can log in to your account to get personalised support or explore the resources below to find solutions to issues related to Crooz trips.
Email or submit a query through our Whatsapp line using the button below
Email or submit a query through our Whatsapp line using the button below
Do I need to have an operating license with City of Cape Town?
How does the earn forever programme work for drivers?
Do you allow fleet owners to add multiple vehicles then add their own drivers like uber fleet app?
What is the age limit of vehicles?
How does the earn forever programme work for drivers?
Do I need to have an operating license with City of Cape Town?
How does the earn forever programme work for drivers?
Do you allow fleet owners to add multiple vehicles then add their own drivers like uber fleet app?
What is the age limit of vehicles?
How does the earn forever programme work for drivers?
Do I need to have an operating license with City of Cape Town?
How does the earn forever programme work for drivers?
Do you allow fleet owners to add multiple vehicles then add their own drivers like uber fleet app?
What is the age limit of vehicles?
How does the earn forever programme work for drivers?
Do I need to have an operating license with City of Cape Town?
How does the earn forever programme work for drivers?
Do you allow fleet owners to add multiple vehicles then add their own drivers like uber fleet app?
What is the age limit of vehicles?
How does the earn forever programme work for drivers?